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Advanced Conflict Resolution Strategies for Family Mediators & Collaborative Professionals

with Forrest (Woody) Mosten

Some seminars are billed as advanced—this one is truly advanced. Every aspect of your practice will be examined, pulled apart, and put back together. What is your client intake strategy? How do you custom design each case to accelerate resolution? You will never use the word “impasse” again: Woody will provide you strategies for structure and interventions that can help the party bypass or jump hurdles to settlement. Innovative caucus strategies that involve the benefits of joint session will be presented and practiced.

As mediation and collaborative practice are being used together more frequently, Woody will put into action many of the tips from his 2009 book, Collaborative Divorce Handbook (Jossey Bass) Woody will demonstrate every aspect of the course so that you will have a model as well as concepts to take home. Utilizing his recognized debriefing format, you will be able to use your expanded toolbox every day in your practice for the rest of your career.

Each participant will have personal time with Woody to work on new skills as well as buff up old ones.

What people have said about Woody:

“Any class that Woody Mosten teaches offers new ways of looking at old and perplexing problems. He presents material in such a way as to encourage excellence in mediation skills and belief in your ability to achieve your highest standard.”
Dvorah Markman, Chair, Los Angeles County Bar Family Law Section (2006-2007)

“I consider Woody Mosten to be one of the world's most creative thinkers and innovative teachers in the field of Mediation Training.”
Dean Jay Folberg, USF Law School, Past President, Association for Conflict Resolution and, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts

“Woody Mosten has a gift for helping people to change, evolve, and become better human beings. He enlightened me to an alternate style of resolving conflict and genuinely caring about people and his course changed the way I conduct my business and family conflict resolution issues.”
Diane Raffill, Los Angeles, CA

“Woody Mosten is one of those wonderful people who rejoices in the accomplishments of others, wants to see all of his colleagues prosper, and holds the door open for others. His life's work is to make the world a better place, and he is doing a great job of it.”
David Hoffman, Former Chair, ABA, Section on Dispute Resolution, Atlanta, GA

"Those who attend Woody Mosten's courses are sure to come away with a wealh of tools to be successful in their mediation practice."
- Jeffrey Grohs, Los Angeles, CA

"A month with Woody would still not be enough to capture all his experience and ideas. He is a fantansic trainer."
-Charlie Belpecio

   *     *     *     *     * 

Approved for 13 hours, including 1 hour of ethics of MCLE Credits in California.


This course is two full days, Friday and Saturday, beginning daily with breakfast (and registration on the first day) at 8:30 a.m. Class begins at 9:00 and continues to 5:00 daily, with an hour for lunch and one 10-15 minute break in the morning and the afternoon. Lunch and snacks will be served and are included. We typically end by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please arrange to stay to the end and schedule outgoing flights after 7:00 p.m.

Enrollment Pricing

Pricing Options

Regular                                  $1095       

Early Bird                               $975                  (21 Days in Advance)

Government/Non-Profit *      $895                  (FULL-TIME Employees)

Available Discounts

Affiliated Organization*         -$80                  (Member)

Bring A Friend                        -$120                (Each up to two)

Group Discount**                  -$200                (Each for three or more)

NOTE: Mediator's Starter Kit is available at a discounted price of $129 (regular $149) when bundled with enrollment in this course. 


*Maybe subject to verification.

**Registering together from the same company, firm or non-profit organization. 


Read the review of Woody's book the Collaborative Divorce Handbook by the Harvard Negotiation Law Review published on 

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