Mediating the Non-Litigated Dispute
with Doug Noll
Upcoming Workshop: New Dates Coming Soon!
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to build or expand their practice beyond the litigated case and/or utilize advanced strategies in integrative problem-solving for their complex business or family disputes, including but not limited to:
- Understanding critical pre-mediation and diagnostic services when party participation is entirely voluntary;
- Recognizing the six needs of victims;
- Designing and implementing problem-solving strategies that preserve important relationships;
- Leading a group through a structured decision-making process;
- Conducting strategic facilitations between potential partners;
- Managing joint session mediation processes in separation and non-separation scenarios;
- Practicing mediating complex business disputes that are not in litigation, where all sides feel victimized, and where relationships must be preserved;
- Constructing a marketing plan to sell these services outside of the legal market.
Who should attend: Mediators, transactional and litigation attorneys, corporate counsel, business affairs directors, senior management teams, and human resources VP's.
Our trainer, Doug Noll, adds the following comments:
If you are already mediating non-litigated disputes, or you would like to expand your practice to include those disputes, this workshop will make a difference for you.
Mediating the Non-Litigated Dispute shows you how to apply your mediation skills to mediating the complex business deals and non-litigated business disputes. You will learn how this style of mediation is different from mediating litigated cases, including how to conduct critical pre-work and diagnostic services, secrets of convening when it's purely voluntary, how to decide who should attend, structuring the process, creating the agenda, facilitating the communication, using a lot of joint session and interest-based negotiation processes, working on agreements, and how to market, price, bid, and bill for these services. Simulations include mediating complex, non-litigated business disputes, including separation and non-separation scenarios, conducting strategic facilitations between potential corporate partners, and facilitating pre-dispute complex construction “partnering” sessions.
Approved for 13 hours, including 1 hour of ethics and 1 hour of elimination of bias of California MCLE Credits in California.
This course is two full days, Friday and Saturday, beginning daily with breakfast (and registration on the first day) at 8:30 a.m. Class begins at 9:00 and continues to 5:00 daily, with an hour for lunch and one 10-15 minute break in the morning and the afternoon. Lunch and snacks will be served and are included. We typically end by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Please arrange to stay to the end and schedule outgoing flights after 7:00 p.m.
Enrollment Pricing
Pricing Options
General Enrollment
$975 by New Dates Coming Soon!
Affiliated Organization
$695 by New Dates Coming Soon!
NOTE: Mediator's Starter Kit is available at a discounted price of $129 (regular $149) when bundled with enrollment in this course.
*Maybe subject to verification. Available to full-time employees of government agencies and non-profit organizations.